Draw Pentagon using C#

This article guides on how to draw pentagon using C#. It has the details to construct a regular pentagon using C# specifically in non-Windows environments such as macOS where System.Drawing library is not available. You will learn to calculate coordinates and customize the output PNG image file as per your requirement.

Steps to Draw a Pentagon Shape using C#

  1. Set the IDE to use Aspose.Drawing for .NET to create a pentagon image
  2. Define the center coordinates and side length of the desired pentagon
  3. Declare an array of 5 points and fill it with appropriate coordinates using the Math library
  4. Create a bitmap with the desired size of the output image having a pentagon
  5. Create a Graphics object using the bitmap and set the background using the Clear method
  6. Call the FillPolygon() method by setting the pentagon background and vertices
  7. Save the resultant image as a PNG using the Save() method

These steps describe how to draw a perfect pentagon using C#. Perform the calculations to create an array of points depicting the vertices of the pentagon around the center point and create a bitmap of the desired size. Create a Graphics object from the bitmap and perform operations such as filling the output image background and polygon color.

Code to Draw a Regular Pentagon using C#

This code has demonstrated how to draw perfect pentagon using C#. If you want to draw a hollow pentagon, use the DrawPolygon() method instead of the FillPolygon() method. You may set a variety of properties like set ‘Clip’ to define the drawing region, the interpolation mode, page scale, page unit, and smoothing mode.

This article has taught us pentagon shape drawing using C#. To scale an image, refer to the article on Scale image in C#.
