Image Clipping in Java

This guide discusses image clipping in Java. It covers the configuration information, the stepwise algorithm, and a runnable code to make a clipped photo in Java. Furthermore, working with this feature does not require the installation of any other tool or software.

Steps to Create a Clipped Photo in Java

  1. Set up the system to use Aspose.Drawing to clip images
  2. Initiate an instance of the Bitmap class while setting pixel format and dimensions
  3. Use the Graphics class to encapsulate the drawing surface
  4. Set the rectangular coordinates to create the clip
  5. Work with the GraphicsPath class to define the series of connected lines and curves as a path
  6. Set the clip using a shape or path
  7. Read the input image, draw it at the specific location, and export it

These steps present the overview of the algorithm for photo clipping in Java. Firstly, make a bitmap, initiate the graphics, and create the clip. Next, read the image, draw the clip, and export the clipped photo to conclude the process.

Code for Photo Clipping in Java

This sample code is the basic version to showcase the image clipping path in Java. You can further enhance the application to meet your requirements by setting various parameters. For example, choosing different supported pixel formats, changing the clipping paths, or adding pie, polygon, arc, and other supported shapes depending on your needs.

This tutorial has explained the image clipping path in Java. However, if you are eager to learn image scaling, refer to the article on scale image in Java.
