Convert VSD to VSDX using C#

This article describes the process to convert VSD to VSDX using C#. It has the details to set the IDE for the development, a list of steps, and a sample code to convert VSD to VSDX without Visio using C#. Various save options are discussed to customize the converted VSDX file.

Steps to Change VSD to VSDX using C#

  1. Set the environment to use Aspose.Diagram for .NET to convert VSD to VSDX
  2. Load the source Visio file in the VSD format into the Diagram object
  3. Create the DiagramSaveOptions object to customize the output VSDX file
  4. Set the flag to auto-fit pages to drawing contents
  5. Call the Save() method by setting the output file name and the desired save options

These steps summarize how to convert Visio VSD to VSDX using C#. Load the source VSD file into the Diagram object and declare the DiagramSaveOptions object by setting the save file format as VSDX. Set other properties in the DiagramSaveOptions object such as AutoFitPageToDrawingContent flag.

Code for VSD to VSDX Converter using C#

The above code describes how to convert VSD to VSDX using C#. You may set the default font for Unicode characters or characters for which the required font is not installed on the system. This class also supports callback functions for handling warnings during the conversion.

This tutorial has taught us how to transform Visio files from VSD to VSDX. To convert an image to a Visio file, refer to the article: Convert image to Visio in C#.
