Unmerge Cells in Excel with Python

This short guide explains how to unmerge cells in Excel with Python. It has the details to set the development environment, a list of steps describing the program flow, and a running sample code showing the process to unmerge cells with Python. You will learn to split cells on the entire sheet or remove the selected merged areas.

Steps to Unmerge Cells Without Losing Data in Python

  1. Set the IDE to use Aspose.Cells for Python via Java for splitting the cells
  2. Load the Excel file with merged areas in it for unmerging them into the Workbook object
  3. Get the collection of merged areas from the Cells collection of the target sheet
  4. Iterate through all the merged areas and create a range for each
  5. Call the Range.unMerge() method to split the cells without losing data
  6. Save the output Excel file

These steps show how to split merged cells in Excel with Python. In this process, load the Excel file, select the sheet, access the collection of merged areas on that sheet, and iterate through the entire collection. In each iteration, create a range for the merged areas and call the unMerge() method in the Range class.

Code to Split Merged Cells with Python

This code sample demonstrates how to unmerge cells in Excel with Python. You may iterate through all the Workbook sheets, and follow the process in this code for splitting merged cells in the complete Excel file. You can also select a particular sheet and create a range around the known set of cells to remove the selected merged area.

This article has taught us the process of removing the merging. For the reverse process of merging the cells, refer to the article on How to merge cells in Excel using Python.
