How to Insert a Slicer in Excel using Python

This short article provides information on how to insert a slicer in Excel using Python. It contains details about the configuration, a step-by-step process to write the application, and a runnable sample code to add slicer in Excel using Python. Once the slicer is added, it will be saved as XLSX, XLS, or in another format supported by MS Excel.

Steps to Insert a Slicer using Python

  1. Establish the environment to use Aspose.Cells for Python via Java to add slicer
  2. Load the source Excel file in the Workbook object having a table in it
  3. Get access to the first worksheet and the target table
  4. Add the slicer to the worksheet by providing the table, source data column, and slicer destination cell
  5. Save the resultant workbook after adding the slicer

These steps describe the process to insert slicers using Python. Each worksheet in a workbook contains a collection of slicers by default which is used to add a new slicer. The method to add a slicer requires the target table and its column number, and the destination cell where the slicer is to be displayed in the output workbook.

Code to Insert Slicers in Excel using Python

This code demonstrates the procedure to insert a slicer in Excel using Python. In this sample code, the slicer is added to a table that is accessed using the getListObjects() method in the worksheet. Note that you can add a slicer to a pivot table also by providing the pivot table, its target base field, and the target cell to place the slicer.

This tutorial has taught us to add slicers in Excel using Python. If you want to learn the process to apply filters on data in a worksheet, refer to the article on how to apply filter in Excel using Python.
