How to Export Excel to Word in Python

Here is an article that describes the process how to export Excel to Word in Python. It has all the configuration details, a sequence of steps that are to be followed, and a runnable sample code to test this feature without writing your own code. You can change the source file from Excel to Word in Python i.e. XLSX or XLS to DOCX using a few lines of code only.

Steps to Convert Excel File to Word in Python

  1. Establish the development environment to use Aspose.Cells for Python via Java in your application
  2. Import necessary namespaces and classes for use in the code
  3. Load the input Excel file in the Workbook class object for conversion to a Word file
  4. Instantiate DocxSaveOptions class object
  5. Set the flag to create a directory if it does not exist for saving the output Word file
  6. Save the Excel file as a Word file using the method using the custom save options

The detailed steps here can be followed for converting Excel to Word document in Python such that first, the resource is shared that is required to run this application. After that, you can simply load the Excel file and save it as a DOCX file using the SaveFormat.DOCX enumerator in the save() method that will create a DOCX file with the default settings. However, for the sake of demonstration, a DocxSaveOptions class object is used to set a few properties of the output Word document.

Code to Convert XLSX to DOCX in Python

from pickle import TRUE
import jpype
import asposecells
from asposecells.api import License, Workbook, DocxSaveOptions, SaveFormat
# Instantiate a license
license = License()
# Load the Excel file
workbook = Workbook("input.xlsx")
# Declare a DocxSaveOptions object
options = DocxSaveOptions()
# Set the create directory flag
# Save as Word file"result/output.docx",options)
print("Using Python, the Excel file is converted to a Word file successfully!!!")

This sample code that changes Excel to Word in Python uses Workbook class constructor that takes the source file name whereas you can use other constructors also like one of the constructors takes FileFormatType as an argument. When we do not provide any file format, the default format Excel97To2003 is used however you may use specific one like CSV, XLSM, ODS, EXCEL_95, and many more based on your source file type. On the other hand, while saving the Word document you can set different properties in the DocxSaveOptions class object like set merge areas flag, set warning callback, and set create directory flag which is demonstrated here as well.

This article has guided us to convert an Excel file to a Word document. If you want to know the process to convert an Excel file to a CSV file, refer to the article on how to convert Excel to CSV in Python.
