How to Display Formulas in Excel using Python

This short guide provides a description of how to display formulas in Excel using Python. It contains the steps to establish the environment along with the programming logic and a runnable sample code to show all formulas in Excel using Python. This code snippet can be used in any environment supporting Java and Python without using any other third-party tool or software.

Steps to Display Formulas in Excel using Python

  1. Set the application to use Aspose.Cells for Python via Java to show formulas
  2. Create a new workbook and access the first sheet to fill data
  3. Set a few values in different cells
  4. Set a formula based on these values and call the calculateFormula() method to execute the formula
  5. Set the flag to show formula instead of values
  6. Save the output file showing the formulas

These steps present a brief process to display cell formulas using Python. The process is commenced by creating a new Excel file, accessing the target worksheet, and putting some sample data into a few cells. In the next steps, a formula is set in some cell, the formula is calculated calling by the calculateFormula() method, and finally calling the setShowFormulas() method to show the formulas instead of values in the complete worksheet.

Code to Display Cell Formulas in Excel using Python

import jpype
import asposecells
from asposecells.api import License, Workbook
# Instantiate the license
license = License()
# Create a workbook
workbook = Workbook()
# Access a worksheet
worksheet = workbook.getWorksheets().get(0)
# Set cell values
# Set formula
worksheet.getCells().get("C2").setFormula(" = A2 + B2")
# Set the flag to show formulas
# Save the output"output.xlsx")
print("Formulas shown successfully")

This sample code demonstrates how to show value instead of formula in Excel using Python. The setShowFormulas() defines whether to show the formulas or the values by setting the argument to True or False respectively. The calculateFormula() method is optionally called to calculate the formulas and generate results but does not display the results as formulas are displayed in this code.

This sample code has demonstrated how to show Excel formulas using Python. If you want to learn the process to remove the formulas permanently, refer to the article on how to remove formula in Excel using Python.
