How to Copy Worksheet to Another Workbook in Python

This short tutorial explains how to copy worksheet to another workbook in Python by sharing environment configuration and providing the detailed steps to achieve this functionality. A sample code is also provided that demonstrates the feature to copy sheet from one workbook to another in python using a few lines of code. You can apply a number of filters and perform other operations like formatting the sheets etc, before copying to the other workbook and saving the resultant workbook to any of the standard formats like XLSX, XLS, etc.

Steps to Copy Worksheet to Another Workbook in Python

  1. step1: “Establish the development environment to use Aspose.Cells for Python via Java
  2. Load the input Workbook from which sheet is to be copied
  3. Create an empty destination workbook where Worksheet is to be copied
  4. Get access to the default worksheets collection in the destination workbook
  5. Use the Sheet.copy() method to copy a sheet from the source workbook
  6. Save the output Excel file on the disk containing a duplicate sheep from the source workbook

These steps describe the process to duplicate a sheet in Excel in Python where first the source workbook is opened and an empty new workbook is also created that contains a default worksheet collection having a single worksheet in it. Using this single default worksheet in the newly created destination workbook, the copy() method is called that takes a worksheet object as an argument. Here we provide the target worksheet from the source workbook as an argument that causes the copying of the worksheet from the source to the destination workbook.

Code to Copy Excel Sheet to Another Workbook in Python

from pickle import TRUE
import jpype
import asposecells
from asposecells.api import License, Workbook, DocxSaveOptions, SaveFormat
# Instantiate a license
license = License()
# Load input file
input = Workbook("input.xlsx")
# Create new workbook
output = Workbook()
# Get default worksheets collection
outputSheets = output.getWorksheets()
# Copy a sheet from source workbook to the destination workbook
# Save output file"workbook.xlsx")
print("Using Python, a sheet is copied to another workbook successfully!!!")

This code demonstrates a simple process to copy sheet to another workbook in Python. While copying the sheet, we have just provided the source workbook sheet as an argument however you may use another overloaded method also that takes the CopyOptions class object as a second argument. The CopyOptions provides options like setting the flag to copy values only if the formula is not valid for the destination workbook, setting the flag to copy or ignore macros, setting the flag to use sheet names from the destination workbook for the formulas, and many more.

This article has taught us how to copy a sheet from one Excel file to another Excel file. If you want to learn the process to add comments to an Excel file, refer to the article on how to add comments in Excel using Python.
