How to Convert HTML to JSON using Python

This brief article covers how to convert HTML to JSON using Python. It discusses the environment configuration, stepwise program flow, and a running sample code to convert HTML to JSON using Python. Furthermore, this conversion does not need any additional software or plugin installation on your end.

Steps to Convert HTML to JSON using Python

  1. Configure the IDE to use Aspose.Cells for Python via Java to convert HTML files to JSON
  2. Load the HTML file with the Workbook class and access the last cell
  3. Create an object of JsonSaveOptions class
  4. Create a Range and export it to JSON format
  5. Save the output JSON file

These steps walk you through the process to create HTML to JSON Python converter. First of all, the HTML file is loaded and the last cell is accessed. Subsequently, a range is created and exported in JSON format. Finally, the JSON file can be saved to the disk or a stream.

Code to Transform HTML to JSON using Python

import jpype
import asposecells
# Start JVM
from asposecells.api import License, Workbook, JsonUtility, JsonSaveOptions
# Load License
licenseHtmlToImage = License()
# Load HTML file
workbook = Workbook("sample.html")
# Get the last cell
cells = workbook.getWorksheets().get(0).getCells().getLastCell()
# Create JsonSaveOptions object
options = JsonSaveOptions()
# Create Range
range = workbook.getWorksheets().get(0).getCells().createRange(0, 0, cells.getRow() + 1, cells.getColumn() + 1)
data = JsonUtility.exportRangeToJson(range, options)
# Save output JSON file
with open("output.json", 'w') as file:
# Shutdown the JVM
print("HTML to JSON conversion done successfully")

This code snippet demonstrates how using Python HTML to JSON conversion can be done quickly. The process is initiated by loading the source HTML data using the Workbook class. Next, create a range and convert it to JSON format with the JsonUtility class before saving the output file. However, you can also set different properties to control the formatting of JSON data like skipping empty rows, validating merge areas, sorting the names, etc. as per your requirements.

This article has explained how to create HTML to JSON converter using Python. Whereas, if you want to learn TXT to JSON conversion then read the article on how to convert TXT to JSON using Python.
