How to Convert Excel Chart to JPG using Python

This quick tutorial contains information on how to convert Excel chart to JPG using Python. You will get the steps to configure the environment, a detailed process to save chart in Excel as image using Python, and a complete runnable sample code that demonstrates this feature. Different options are also discussed to customize this process of loading the source XLSX file and converting it to a JPG image.

Steps to Convert Excel Chart to JPG using Python

  1. Configure the environment to use Aspose.Cells for Python via Java for chart to JPG conversion
  2. Load the source spreadsheet using the Workbook class object having a chart in it
  3. Get access to the worksheet having this chart
  4. Get a reference to the target chart on the selected worksheet as a Chart object
  5. Save the selected chart as a JPG file on the disk

These steps describe a complete process to save Excel chart as JPG using Python by first providing reference to an article that contains detailed steps to configure the environment for testing the sample code and then step-by-step programming logic for writing this application. The process is quite simple where first you have to load the source Excel file and then get access to the target worksheet from the collection of worksheets in the loaded workbook. Each worksheet contains a collection of charts that is used to access the target char and then save it as an image using the toImage() method.

Code to Export Excel Chart as JPG using Python

This code sample guides you to change Excel chart to JPG using Python with the help of a very few API calls like Workbook class constructor is used that takes the physical file name as the argument however you may load the source Excel file from a stream of bytes received on the network, read from a database or from any other source. Similarly, you can use other constructors that take load options like selecting the type of data to be loaded instead of the entire workbook to gain the performance, setting the password for the protected files, etc, to name a very few. Options are also available to save the output image into other formats as well like PNG, BMP, TIFF, etc,

This tutorial has guided to write a converter for an Excel chart to an image using Python. If you want to learn the process to convert the whole worksheet into an image, refer to the article on how to create image of spreadsheet using Python.
