Autofit Rows and Columns in Excel using Python

This guide focuses on how to auto fit Excel using Python. It includes the IDE setup details, a step-by-step process, and a working code sample to auto fit in Excel using Python. We will also explore adjusting the cell contents of a specific row or a column in an Excel worksheet.

Steps to Autofit Rows and Columns in Excel using Python

  1. Prepare the environment to use Aspose.Cells for Python via Java to autofit rows and columns
  2. Read the source Excel file with the Workbook class instance
  3. Get the reference to any sheet with the Worksheet class object using its name or index
  4. Auto-fit the rows and columns in the worksheet
  5. Write the output workbook with the autofit cells using the ‘save’ method

These steps clarify how to auto size cells in Excel using Python. You may access the target worksheet using its zero-based index or the worksheet name. Finally, autofit the columns and rows and render the output Excel spreadsheet.

Code to Autofit Rows and Columns in Excel using Python

import jpype
import asposecells as cells
from asposecells.api import License, Workbook
# Instantiate a license
license = License()
# Load Excel file
workbook = Workbook("AutofitInput.xlsx")
# Access a worksheet
worksheet = workbook.getWorksheets().get(0)
# Autofit Rows and Columns
# Save output Excel file"Autofit.xlsx")
print("Excel Cells autofitted successfully!!!")

This working code snippet demonstrates the basic process to autofit Excel columns using Python. It adjusts the row height to accommodate the cell contents within the cell. You can modify it to work with other overload methods like AutoFitRow(index) or AutoFitColumn(index) by passing the zero-based indexes to adjust a specific column or row depending on your needs.

This article has covered information on how to autofit rows using Python. However, for wrapping text in the cells head to the article Wrap text in Excel using Python.
