Unhide Multiple Sheets using Excel in Node.js

This article describes the process to unhide multiple sheets in Excel using Node.js. It has the details to set the development environment, a list of steps to write the application, and a runnable sample code to display Excel hidden sheets using Node.js. You can filter the hidden sheets using different properties say its name, index, or type of the sheet.

Steps to Unhide All Sheets using Node.js

  1. Set the IDE to use Aspose.Cells for Node.js via Java to unhide sheets
  2. Load the workbook where a few sheets are hidden
  3. Unprotect the workbook by providing the password if protected
  4. Iterate through all the sheets in the workbook and check if a sheet is visible or not
  5. Set the flag to make the target or all the sheets visible
  6. Save the resultant workbook having all the visible sheets

These steps summarize the process to unhide worksheet using Node.js. Initiate the process by loading the workbook and unprotecting it using the password if protected. Iterate through all the sheets in the workbook and check the isVisible property before setting it to true to make it visible.

Code to Unhide Spreadsheet using Node.js

The above sample code can unhide sheet using Node.js. The Worksheet class contains the method isVisible() that is ‘false’ if a sheet is hidden and is used to make them visible by calling the setVisible() method. If you want to set the sheets visible based on some criteria, use different properties in the Worksheet class say use getCharts() to check if the sheet has charts, getCodeName(), getCustomProperties(), getIndex(), getName(), and getType() to list a few.

This article has taught us how to in Excel unhide sheet using Node.js. If you want to learn the process of showing formulas in a sheet, refer to the article on how to show formulas in Excel using Node.js.
