How to Make a Dropdown List in Excel using Node.js

This article guides on how to make a dropdown list in Excel using Node.js. It has all the details to set the development environment, a list of steps, and a runnable sample code showing how to add data validation in Excel using Node.js. You will learn different options to customize the validation features and set reference data of your own choice.

Steps to Insert Data Validation in Excel using Node.js

  1. Set the IDE to use Aspose.Cells for Node.js via Java to add a dropdown list
  2. Create a workbook and add two sheets for adding validations and reference data separately
  3. Create a range on the reference sheet, set the range name and the reference data in it
  4. Create a validation using a defined cell area in the target sheet
  5. Set different characteristics of the validation including the reference range using setFormula1() method
  6. Save the resultant workbook having a dropdown list on one sheet and reference data on the second sheet

These steps summarize the process of how to create data validation in Excel using Node.js. The process is instantiated by creating sheets in a workbook and adding validation to the validation collection of the target sheet. In the end, all the required parameters are set for the validation, and the resultant workbook is saved on the disk.

Code to Add Data Validation in Excel using Node.js

var aspose = aspose || {};
aspose.cells = require("aspose.cells");
//Set the license
new aspose.cells.License().setLicense("License.lic");
// Create a workbook
var wb = new aspose.cells.Workbook();
// Access the target sheet
var ws1 = wb.getWorksheets().get(0);
// Create another sheet
var i = wb.getWorksheets().add();
// It will be used for reference data therefore get access to it
var ws2 = wb.getWorksheets().get(i);
// Create a reference range
var refRange = ws2.getCells().createRange("E1", "E4");
// Set the name
// Fill the reference data
refRange.get(0, 0).putValue("Circle");
refRange.get(1, 0).putValue("Rectangle");
refRange.get(2, 0).putValue("Line");
refRange.get(3, 0).putValue("Polygon");
// Get a reference to the validations
var validations = ws1.getValidations();
// Create a cell Area
var area = new aspose.cells.CellArea();
area.StartRow = 0;
area.EndRow = 4;
area.StartColumn = 0;
area.EndColumn = 0;
// Create a new validation using the defined area
var newValidation = validations.get(validations.add(area));
// Set validation type
newValidation.setType (aspose.cells.ValidationType.LIST);
// Set the operator type
// Set flag to set in-cell drop-down
// Set the formula by using the reference data range name
// Enable the show error flag
// Set the validation alert type
// Set the error title
newValidation.setErrorTitle("Error Title");
// Set the error message
newValidation.setErrorMessage("Please select data from the list");
// Save the output file"output.xls");
console.log("Validation added successfully");

This sample code demonstrates how to insert data validation in Excel using Node.js. In this code, the validation collection from the first sheet is used for adding a new validation within the defined cell area and later the validation type, operator type, and validation alert type are set along with many other properties. The second sheet contains the reference data which is defined using the createRange() method in the cell collection and linked with the validation on the first sheet using the Validation.setFormula1() method.

This article has guided us on how to add validation in Excel using Node.js. If you want to learn the process of inserting an image in a sheet, refer to the article on how to insert image in Excel using Nodejs.
