How to Delete Comment in Excel using Node.js

This brief guide explains how to delete comment in Excel using Node.js. It has all the details to set the environment for development and testing the feature, a list of steps to write the application, and a ready-to-run sample code demonstrating how to remove comment in Excel using Node.js. This feature does not require any third-party tool or software to be installed on your system.

Steps to Delete Comment in Excel using Node.js

  1. Set the environment to use Aspose.Cells for Node.js via Java to remove comments
  2. Load the workbook with comments
  3. Access the desired sheet from which comments are to be deleted
  4. Access the comments collection and call removeAt() method
  5. Save the resultant workbook after deleting the comments

These steps provide a summary of how to remove pop up comments in Excel using Node.js. The process is commenced by loading the workbook, accessing the worksheet followed by accessing the collection of comments in the selected worksheet. Finally, the removeAt() method from the CommentCollection class is called by providing the cell name.

Code to Remove Comments from Excel using Node.js

var aspose = aspose || {};
aspose.cells = require("aspose.cells");
// Set the license
new aspose.cells.License().setLicense("License.lic");
// Load a workbook
var workbook = new aspose.cells.Workbook("InputWithComments.xlsx");
// Access any worksheet with comments from the workbook
var worksheet = workbook.getWorksheets().get(0);
// Remove the comments
// For clearing all comments
// worksheet.clearComments();
// Save the output XLSX file"output.xlsx");
console.log("Comment deleted successfully");

This code demonstrates the process to clear comments in Excel using Node.js. The CommentCollection class has the features to remove all or a particular comment based on your requirement. You may delete a single comment by providing the cell name or row/column information or remove all the comments at once using the clearComments() method as per the requirements.

This article has taught us the procedure to remove comments automatically from an Excel file. If you want to learn the process of showing formulas instead of values in an Excel file, you may refer to the article on how to show formulas in Excel using Node.js.
