This brief tutorial guides on how to create chart in Excel using Node.js. It has details about the IDE settings, a list of programming tasks, and a runnable sample code to create graph in Excel using Node.js. You will learn different properties to customize the output chart along with the options to generate other types of charts.
Steps to Create Excel Chart using Node.js
- Set the environment to use Aspose.Cells for Node.js via Java for creating graphs
- Create a workbook and fill sample data into a selected sheet using the Cells collection
- Create a Bar chart in the selected sheet
- Set the data series and the category
- Set chart title and flags to display data labels
- Save the workbook with a bar chart in it
These steps explain the process to create Excel charts and graphs using Node.js. The process is initiated by creating a workbook, adding sample data in it, and creating a chart followed by setting the data series and category for the chart. The chart title and flags to display the data labels are also set before saving the resultant Excel file.
Code to Create Excel Graph using Node.js
var aspose = aspose || {}; | |
aspose.cells = require("aspose.cells"); | |
//Set the license | |
new aspose.cells.License().setLicense("License.lic"); | |
// Create a workbook | |
var wb = new aspose.cells.Workbook(); | |
// Access the first sheet | |
var sheet = wb.getWorksheets().get(0); | |
// Get the worksheet cells | |
var cells = sheet.getCells(); | |
// Fill some sample data | |
cells.get("B1").putValue("Mountains"); | |
cells.get("B2").putValue("Mount Everest"); | |
cells.get("B3").putValue("K2"); | |
cells.get("B4").putValue("Kangchenjunga"); | |
cells.get("B5").putValue("Lhotse"); | |
cells.get("C1").putValue("Height(m)"); | |
cells.get("C2").putValue(8848); | |
cells.get("C3").putValue(8611); | |
cells.get("C4").putValue(8586); | |
cells.get("C5").putValue(8516); | |
// Create a Bar chart | |
var chart_Index = 0; | |
chart_Index = sheet.getCharts().add(aspose.cells.ChartType.BAR, 7, 1, 34, 13); | |
var chart = sheet.getCharts().get(chart_Index); | |
// Set the data series and category | |
chart.getNSeries().add("C2:C5", true); | |
chart.getNSeries().setCategoryData("B2:B5"); | |
// Set chart title | |
chart.getTitle().setText("Mountains By Height"); | |
// Show data labels | |
let dataLabels; | |
for (let i = 0; i < chart.getNSeries().getCount(); i++) | |
{ | |
dataLabels = chart.getNSeries().get(i).getDataLabels(); | |
dataLabels.setShowValue(true); | |
} | |
// Save the workbook | |"bar_chart.xlsx"); | |
console.log("Chart generated successfully"); |
The code above demonstrates the creation of bar chart in Excel using Node.js. You may create other types of charts using the ChartType enumerator supporting AREA, BUBBLE, COLUMN, CONE, CYLINDER, FUNNEL, and PIE to list a few. If you want to save the chart as a PDF or image, use toPdf() and toImage() methods respectively from the chart class.
This article has taught us to create bar graph in Excel using Node.js. If you want to learn the process to convert an Excel file to an XPS file, refer to the article on how to convert Excel to XPS using Node.js.