This quick tutorial guides on how to convert JSON to CSV in Node.js. It contains the IDE settings, a list of programming steps, and a runnable sample code to turn JSON into CSV in Node.js. You will also learn different custom settings that can be applied while loading the source JSON file.
Steps to Convert JSON to CSV in Node.js
- Set the environment to use Aspose.Cells for Node.js via Java to turn JSON to CSV
- Read JSON file contents to a string variable using fs.readFile() method
- Create a Workbook object and get cells collection from the target sheet
- Create a JsonLayoutOptions class object to set output JSON properties
- Call the importData() method using the file contents, cells collection, and custom options
- Save the workbook as a CSV file
These steps summarize how to perform JSON to CSV export in Node.js. The process is commenced by loading the source JSON file contents into a string variable followed by creating a Workbook and accessing the cells collection of a sheet. In the final steps, the JsonLayoutOptions is initialized to set custom properties for importing data from the JSON file to the CSV file using the JsonUtility.importData() method.
Code to Transform JSON File to CSV in Node.js
var aspose = aspose || {}; | |
aspose.cells = require("aspose.cells"); | |
const fs = require('fs'); | |
//Set the license | |
new aspose.cells.License().setLicense("License.lic"); | |
// Specify the file path | |
const filePath = 'Test.json'; | |
// Read the file content into a string | |
fs.readFile(filePath, 'utf8', (err, data) => { | |
if (err) { | |
console.error('Error reading file:', err); | |
return; | |
} | |
// The 'data' variable now contains the content of the file as a string | |
const fileContent = data; | |
// Initialize a Workbook class instance which will hold output CSV data read from JSON string | |
var workbook = new aspose.cells.Workbook(); | |
// Access the cells | |
var cells = workbook.getWorksheets().get(0).getCells(); | |
// Set JsonLayoutOptions properties | |
var options = new aspose.cells.JsonLayoutOptions(); | |
options.setConvertNumericOrDate(true); | |
options.setArrayAsTable(true); | |
options.setIgnoreArrayTitle(true); | |
options.setIgnoreObjectTitle(true); | |
aspose.cells.JsonUtility.importData(fileContent, cells, 0, 0, options); | |
// Save output CSV file | |"Output.csv"); | |
console.log("JSON to CSV converted successfully"); | |
}); |
The above code demonstrates the process to convert JSON into CSV in Node.js. The JsonLayoutOptions is used to set different properties like process array as a table, ignore the array title, flag to indicate whether a string in JSON is to be converted to a number or date, ignore null values, and ignore title to list a few. The JsonUtility used in this code can also be used to export range to JSON using the exportRangeToJson() method.
This article has described the conversion of a file from JSON to CSV in Node.js. If you want to learn how to apply filters in Excel, refer to the article on how to apply filter in Excel using Node.js.