How to Adjust Row Height in Excel using Node.js

This article explains how to adjust row height in Excel using Node.js. It has the details to set the development environment for working with this feature, a list of steps defining the program flow, and a runnable sample code to change cell height in Excel using Node.js. It will also explain different methods to update the size of rows based on contents or entire rows based on indexes.

Steps to Adjust Row Height in Excel using Node.js

  1. Set the environment to use Aspose.Cells for Node.js via Java to adjust rows
  2. Load a file using the Workbook class and select the desired sheet
  3. Set the height of a single row to a fixed value
  4. Set the height of a row based on the contents in the selected columns
  5. Set the height of selected rows based on contents in the individual row
  6. Select another sheet to set the height of rows for the entire sheet based on content and save the file

These steps present how to change row height in Excel using Node.js. We initiate the process by loading the target worksheet and accessing the desired sheets for setting the rows’ height. Different methods are called to set the rows’ height based on contents, set the height of a complete row or range of rows to a fixed value or height based on the size of contents, and even set the height of the entire sheet based on content in the individual row.

Code to Adjust Excel Row Height using Node.js

var aspose = aspose || {};
aspose.cells = require("aspose.cells");
// Set the license
new aspose.cells.License().setLicense("License.lic");
// Load the workbook
var workbook = new aspose.cells.Workbook("book1.xlsx");
// Access the fourth sheet
ForthWorksheet = workbook.getWorksheets().get(3);
// Set fixed row height
ForthWorksheet.getCells().setRowHeight(5, 8);
// Set the height of one row and the selected columns
// Auto-fit height multiple rows based on contents
// Access some other sheet
var ThirdWorksheet = workbook.getWorksheets().get(2);
// Auto-fit all the rows in the sheet
// Saving the updated Excel file"output.xlsx");
console.log("Excel cell row height modified successfully");

This code sample demonstrates how to adjust cell height in Excel using Node.js. It shares different methods for adjusting row height, for example setRowHeight() using the row number and fixed height, autoFitRow() using the row number and range of columns for checking contents, autoFitRows() using the range of rows, and autoFitRows() without any argument to set the height of all the rows in the entire sheet. You can similarly adjust the column size using the respective methods from the library.

This article has taught us to change Excel row height using Node.js. If you want to rotate the contents of a cell, refer to the article on how to rotate a cell in Excel using Nodejs.
