Add Module in Excel VBA Library with Node.js

This guide explains how to add module in Excel VBA library with Node.js. It has the details to set the development environment, the list of tasks for adding VBA code, and the process to access VBA code library with Node.js for adding the methods. You will learn various options to customize the modules and add multiple methods.

Steps to Update VBA Code Library with Node.js

  1. Configure Aspose.Cells for Node.js via Java to add VBA code
  2. Create a workbook and get a reference to the sheet for adding a VBA module
  3. Access the modules collection from the VbaProject in the Excel Workbook
  4. Get a reference to the newly added module
  5. Set module name
  6. Set module codes
  7. Save the Excel workbook

These steps summarize the process for enhancing the Excel VBA code library with Node.js. Access the VbaProject object in the Workbook containing a collection of modules for adding the new module. Set various properties of the new module, such as the name and codes for adding multi-line VBA code with multiple methods.

Code to Add Excel VBA Source Code Library with Node.js

This code demonstrates how to modify the Excel VBA library with Node.js. In this sample code, a VBA method is added that handles the change event in the worksheet such that whenever a string is entered in a cell, it is automatically converted to upper case however, you may add multiple event handlers in this code segment. The VbaProject class has various properties and methods for customization such as protecting or un-protecting the VBA project, setting the encoding, and signing it.

In this topic, we have learned adding methods in the VBA library. To apply filters in an Excel file, refer to the article on How to apply filter in Excel using Node.js.
