How to Convert XML to Excel File using C#

This quick tutorial covers how to convert XML to Excel file using C#. It explains the IDE setup, a step-by-step process followed by a runnable code snippet to convert XML to XLSX using C#. Moreover, it also discusses many other options to customize the output Excel files.

Steps to Convert XML to Excel using C#

  1. Prepare the IDE by installing Aspose.Cells for .NET to convert XML file
  2. Get the source XML file with the Workbook class instance
  3. Render the generated XLSX file from the input XML using SaveFormat enumeration

These steps help us understand the overall procedure to convert XML file to Excel using C#. First of all, the process is initiated by loading the input XML data. Then the Excel file is generated that you can write to a memory stream or a file stream based on your requirements.

Code to Transform XML to Excel using C#

This code snippet is sufficient to convert XML file to Excel using C#. Firstly, initialize an object of the Workbook class to load the input XML file. Subsequently, call the Save method to export the output Excel file while passing the XLSX file format as a parameter. Furthermore, you can also process the generated workbook for additional features like filtering the data, creating charts based on the data, or any other worksheet manipulation that you may need on your end.

This tutorial has covered how to convert XML to XLS using C#. If you want to explore merging cells then read the article on how to merge cells in Excel using C#.
