How to Convert TSV to Excel in C#

This crisp tutorial describes how to convert TSV to Excel in C# by sharing the necessary information required to accomplish this task. It contains the configuration details, stepwise process to write the program, and a runnable sample code that can be used to change TSV to Excel in C#. You will also learn different ways and means to customize the loading of the TSV file as well as save the output file as an XLSX file.

Steps to Convert TSV to Excel in C#

  1. Configure the development environment to use Aspose.Cells for .NET from the NuGet package manager
  2. Specify the load format as TSV using the LoadFormat.Tsv as an argument to the LoadOptions object
  3. Load the source TSV file into the Workbook object using the above options
  4. Save the loaded TSV file as an Excel file

The above steps guide us to write TSV to Excel converter in C# by first providing the configuration details and then introducing the classes and methods that are required for this operation. You need a Workbook class object to load the source TSV file with an option to customize the loading process using the LoadOptions class object. In the final step, the output file is saved as an XLSX file however you may save it in any of the supported formats like XLS, CSV, XLSM, etc.

Code to Transform TSV to Excel in C#

This sample code converts TSV to Excel in C# and uses the LoadOptions class object to describe the loading format. This class supports setting the properties in AutoFitterOptions like setting the type of auto fit of height for the merged cells, setting auto fit wrapped text type, format strategy, maximum row height, etc. You can also check the data validity of the template TSV file using the CheckDataValid property, fonts configuration, and interrupt monitor to name a very few.

This tutorial has taught us to write software for converting TSV to XLSX in C#. If you want to learn other types of conversions like converting a CSV to Excel, refer to the article on how to convert Excel to image in C#.
