How to Convert XML to XLSX in Java

This brief article is about how to convert XML to XLSX in Java. It encompasses the details to configure the environment, a stepwise pseudocode, a working sample code to develop a converter application for XML to Excel in Java. You can perform this conversion easily without any dependence on any third-party software being installed on your machine.

Steps to Convert XML to Excel in Java

  1. Configure the development environment to use Aspose.Cells for Java to convert XML files to Excel files
  2. Create an instance of the XmlLoadOption class object to set the load options
  3. Load the sample XML file from the disk using the Workbook class instance by providing the load options
  4. Transform the XML file to an XLSX file on the disk using the save method

By adhering to above mentioned steps in Java XML to Excel converter applications can be easily developed. We will start by accessing the source XML file from the disk using an instance of the Workbook class and also providing the optional XML load settings. Finally, the save method exposed by the Workbook class in Java convert XML to Excel file and saves that on the disk.

Code to Convert XML to Excel in Java

import com.aspose.cells.License;
import com.aspose.cells.LoadOptions;
import com.aspose.cells.Workbook;
import com.aspose.cells.XmlLoadOptions;
public class XmlToExcelConverter {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
String path="/Documents/KnowledgeBase/TestData/";
// Set the Cells API license
License lic= new License();
lic.setLicense(path + "Conholdate.Total.Product.Family.lic");
// Set the XML load options
LoadOptions options = new XmlLoadOptions();
// Access the source XML file from the disk source
Workbook xmlWorkBook = new Workbook(path + "sample.xml", options);
// Convert XML to Excel using the save method"deletedColumns.xlsx");
System.out.println("XML to XLSX conversion done successfully");

In order to transform an XML to XLSX Java based API using a few lines of code have been referred to here in this example. The XmlLoadOptions expose set of optional setter methods that you can use to preprocess the source XML file including the setters for checking XML data validity, filtering options for data, and options to configure date and number format to name a few.

In this article, we have learned that in order to create an application to convert XML to Excel Java based code can be effectively used. If you want to learn about the process of transforming HTML to JSON format, refer to the article on how to convert HTML to JSON using Java.
