How to Convert XML to Excel File using Java

This quick guide explains how to convert XML to Excel file using Java. It includes information about setting up the environment, a step-by-step algorithm, and a running code snippet to convert XML to XLSX using Java. Besides, it also covers different options to process the output Excel files.

Steps to Convert XML to Excel using Java

  1. Prepare the environment by installing Aspose.Cells for Java to convert XML file
  2. Access the source XML file with the Workbook class object
  3. Write the created XLSX file using SaveFormat class

These steps narrate the overall process to convert XML file to Excel using Java. In the first step, load the source XML file while initiating the conversion. Secondly, write the output Excel workbook while specifying the file format.

Code to Transform XML to Excel using Java

This sample code is capable to convert XML file to Excel using Java. It uses a couple of API calls to perform the conversion like the Workbook class is used to load the XML data and then the save() method is invoked to export the generated output to a memory or file stream as per your requirements. Furthermore, the generated Excel file can be manipulated for instance hiding or deleting a specific sheet, encrypting or password-protecting the data, etc. as per the project requirements.

This article has discussed how to convert XML to XLS using Java. If you want to learn XML to CSV conversion then refer to the article on how to convert XML to CSV using Java.
