How to Convert JSON to Excel in Java

This brief tutorial describes the process on how to convert JSON to Excel in Java in an organized way where the source JSON data is loaded into a string variable and then the destination Excel file is created with a single default worksheet. An optional style variable is initiated to format the data before importing the JSON to Excel in Java. In the end, the data is imported to an Excel file using the formatting information and saved as an XLSX file.

Steps to Convert JSON to Excel in Java

  1. Add Aspose.Cells library to the project to convert JSON to Excel using the Maven repository
  2. Create a Workbook instance and get a reference to the first worksheet for saving JSON data
  3. Read the source JSON data into a string variable from a file or external source
  4. Create and use style variable into JsonLayoutOptions object to format the JSON data in the output Excel file
  5. Convert the JSON data to Excel using the importData() function
  6. Save the final workbook containing the formatted JSON data

Here a stepwise approach is given to write JSON to Excel in Java by loading the JSON data from a file and then creating an empty workbook class object for importing JSON data into it. We can create a Style class object for formatting the Excel file for better presentation. In the final phase, we import data using importData() by providing the source string, destination cell reference in the worksheet, and formatting style.

Code to Export JSON to Excel in Java

import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import com.aspose.cells.CellsFactory;
import com.aspose.cells.Color;
import com.aspose.cells.JsonLayoutOptions;
import com.aspose.cells.JsonUtility;
import com.aspose.cells.License;
import com.aspose.cells.Style;
import com.aspose.cells.TextAlignmentType;
import com.aspose.cells.Workbook;
import com.aspose.cells.Worksheet;
public class ConvertJsonToExcelInJava {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { //main function for ConvertJsonToExcelInJava class to convert JSON to Excel in Java
// Use Aspose.Cells license to remove watermark in the output Excel file generated from JSON data
License licenseForJsonToXlsx = new License();
// Create a new workbook that will be used to save JSON data in Excel
Workbook wbToSaveJson = new Workbook();
// Get the target worksheet reference in the loaded workbook
Worksheet worksheetRef = wbToSaveJson.getWorksheets().get(0);
// Load the JSON data into a string variable from the source JSON file
String jsonString = new String(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get("SampleJsonData.json")));
// Instantiate the style object for formatting the JSON data in output Excel
CellsFactory asposeCellsFactory = new CellsFactory();
Style styleForTitle = asposeCellsFactory.createStyle();
// Create the JsonLayoutOptions class object to format data while calling importData() function
JsonLayoutOptions jsonLayoutOptions = new JsonLayoutOptions();
// Use the importData() function by providing required parameters
JsonUtility.importData(jsonString, worksheetRef.getCells(), 3, 5, jsonLayoutOptions);
// Save the resultant workbook containing the JSON data"OutputXlsx.xlsx");

For converting JSON to Excel Java sample code is provided above where a style is defined by setting the text alignment and font configuration for the output Excel file. You can also set text background, foreground, indent level, text wrapped flag, and many other settings as well. We create the empty workbook and load the JSON data to a string variable before calling the importData() function.

This simple tutorial has provided details about converting JSON to Excel. If you are interested in knowing the process to convert JSON to CSV, refer to the article on how to convert JSON to CSV in Java.
