How to Convert Excel File to CSV in C++

In this tutorial, we will explore how to convert Excel file to CSV in C++. You can save Excel file as CSV with optimal memory consumption on MS Windows and Linux programmatically in C++.

Steps to Convert Excel File to CSV in C++

  1. Install the Aspose.Cells.Cpp package with NuGet package Manager
  2. Add the reference to the Aspose::Cells namespace
  3. Specify optimized memory usage with MemorySetting class
  4. Create an instance of Workbook class and pass the MemoryPreference
  5. Save the exported output file as CSV format

In the example below, you will learn how to create csv from excel using C++. Firstly, specify the optimized memory usage for the conversion process. Then using C++ load the input file and change Excel to CSV.

Code to Convert Excel File to CSV in C++

You can create CSV from Excel using C++ with optimal memory consumption. The output comma separated values can be used for further processing as per your requirements without needing to install the Microsoft Excel or any other application. In previous example, we learned How to Create Pie Chart in Excel File using C++ which contains the example for creating Pie chart in Excel file.
