How to Extract Text from DXF File using Java

This to-the-point tutorial covers the details on how to extract text from DXF file using Java. You can retrieve text from DXF file using Java by implementing few simple API calls. You do not need to install AutoCAD or any other tools or applications for achieving these requirements because the few method calls are sufficient for producing the desired output.

Steps to Extract Text from DXF File using Java

  1. Configure your project by adding the Aspose.CAD JAR file from the Maven Repository
  2. Load the input DXF file with CadImage class
  3. Search the text inside each entity section
  4. Read text from each entity into the String

In order to get text from DXF file using Java, first we load the input DXF file with CadImage class. Then declare an empty string to store extracted text from the DXF file. Start iterating through each entity and keep appending the extracted string to create final text output.

Code to Extract Text from DXF File using Java

In the code snippet above, the CadImage class object is initiated and the input DXF file is loaded via the load method. Then we iterate each entity of the file one after another and keep appending the extracted text to a text string. The text is extracted efficiently with little time and low memory consumption.

In addition to implementing read text from DXF file using Java, you can also take a look at the other example where we have described, how to convert DWG to JPG using Java.
