Scan QR Code using Java

This quick tutorial covers how to scan QR Code using Java. It discusses the step-by-step process and the sample code to create a QR scanner in Java. Moreover, any other barcode processing tool or application is not required to use this feature on your end.

Steps to Scan QR Code using Java

  1. Configure Aspose.BarCode for Java from the New Releases to scan QR codes
  2. Get the input QR code with the BarCodeReader class
  3. Scan the information in the QR code from the input picture
  4. Extract the barcode type with the getCodeTypeName() method and the encoded text

These steps summarize how to read QR code in Java. Initiate the scanning by setting up the environment and loading the source QR code image. Finally, read the text encoded in the QR code and the code type.

Code to Scan QR Code using Java

import com.aspose.barcode.*;
import com.aspose.barcode.barcoderecognition.BarCodeReader;
import com.aspose.barcode.barcoderecognition.BarCodeResult;
import com.aspose.barcode.barcoderecognition.DecodeType;
public class Main
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception // Read QR code in Java
// Set the licenses
new License().setLicense("License.lic");
// Create an instance of BarCodeReader class by defining decoding type
BarCodeReader reader = new BarCodeReader("QR.png", DecodeType.QR);
for (BarCodeResult result : reader.readBarCodes())
System.out.println("BarCode CodeText: " + result.getCodeText());
System.out.println("BarCode CodeType: " + result.getCodeTypeName());

Use this sample code to create a QR reader using Java. Invoke the BarCodeReader class from the BarCodeRecognition namespace while specifying the type of barcode as QR or other options like TYPES_1D, STANDARD_2_OF_5, POSTAL_TYPES, PDF_417, MSI, and MICRO_QR etc. Next, loop through the decoded result and extract the barcode text from the result object and other information such as confidence, reading quality, and angle.

In this article, we have explored how to scan QR code from image using Java. To convert a BarCode to an image of type SVG, read the article Convert BarCode to SVG in Java.
