How to Generate QR Code using Java

This tutorial provides the details on how to generate QR code using Java. You can create QR code in Java while embedding some textual information and then saving the output file as a PNG image. You can choose if you want to save the output image on the disc or to a MemoryStream object as per your requirements.

Steps to Generate QR Code using Java

  1. Add Aspose.BarCode library to the project from the Maven Repository
  2. Create a new instance of BarcodeGenerator class
  3. Set text to be encoded in generated QR code
  4. Save the generated QR code in PNG image format

In this step-by-step tutorial to create QR code maker using Java, we initialize an object of BarcodeGenerator class. Then set the text for embedding into the generated QR code and save the output QR code as a PNG image format file. We can also save the image as JPG or BMP and other formats on the disk or into the MemoryStream instance.

Code to Create QR Code using Java

import com.aspose.barcode.License;
import com.aspose.barcode.generation.BarCodeImageFormat;
import com.aspose.barcode.generation.BarcodeGenerator;
import com.aspose.barcode.generation.EncodeTypes;
public class GenerateQRCodeUsingJava {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { // main method for creating QR code image
// Set Aspose.Barcode license before generating QR code using Aspose.Barcode for Java
License JavaBarCodeLicense = new License();
// Initialize an object of BarCodeGenerator class
// Specify Barcode Encode Type as QR
BarcodeGenerator GenerateQRCode = new BarcodeGenerator(EncodeTypes.QR);
// Set text to be encoded as generated QR code
GenerateQRCode.setCodeText("Text To Encode");
// Save the generated QR code in PNG image format
// Aspose.Barcode API supports multiple image formats for saving the output QR code"Output_QR_Code.png", BarCodeImageFormat.PNG);

In the sample code above, we have learned how to create a QR code image in PNG format. You can easily set the encoding type to QR so that the output barcode is created in QR format. Then you can use the QR image for further processing as per your application requirement. The image is created efficiently with few method calls so that you do not need to consider minor details of QR format.

In addition to this topic about QR creator in Java, you can learn a different kind of conversions like mentioned in the article on how to convert Excel chart to JPG in Java.
